Any plans for better debugging for backend code on a published site? Used to be able to console.log but looks like that has changed for security reasons.
Can insert code into a collection to read it but its a fairly cumbersome solution.
Mainly asking because once we’re using Users/Members the preview function becomes pretty useless, so we have to test in the published site.
Another simple option is to “write” debug statements to a database collection as a homemade console log. You can then view the db collection to inspect the “log”.
@yisrael-wix should Site monitoring work with backend console.log, or is there another way? You seem to imply it should work, but I don’t see it, as @Luke says
You can console.log() your backend extremely easy.
Go to your Wix dashboard - settings - site monitoring.
There click the “OPEN” button. Once this is ready.
Using your live site run it, run from your frontend a promise that calls for a backend function, if the backend function contains a CONSOLE.LOG() this console will be displayed in the site monitoring as a JSON object.