Background color change while scrolling

I found this code that make the background color change while scrolling to the bottom of the page, but I don’t know how to add that in the dev mode.
Here is it the link to the code and preview:
https://www.sitesonx. com/websites/made-together

$w.onReady(() => { }); export function linese1_viewportEnter_1(event) { $w(“#bgColor”).style.backgroundColor = “#D4E0DE”; } export function linese3_viewportEnter(event) { $w(“#bgColor”).style.backgroundColor = “#DBE6DC”; } export function linese4_viewportEnter(event) { $w(“#bgColor”).style.backgroundColor = “#F2E2E1”; } export function linese5_viewportEnter(event) { $w(“#bgColor”).style.backgroundColor = “#F5F3EB”; } export function lineseb_viewportEnter(event) { $w(“#bgColor”).style.backgroundColor = “#F7F7F7”; } export function linese2_viewportEnter(event) { $w(“#bgColor”).style.backgroundColor = “#DBDBD9”; }

Can you help with that?

Thank you!!