Barcode (qr) scanner

Hey, does anyone knows how to develop a QR scanning option? I’m struggling with it for a long time, and I thought maybe I’ll find here someone who can do it. Thanks!

What’s the purpose? Can you elaborate on the flow ?

Thanks for replying.
I’m developing an inventory management app. The process is straightforward, and it goes like this: Before sending an item, the app needs to scan the item’s Barcode for extracting its SKU into the input field.
So when the user is pressing a button, the camera should open to catch the Barcode, to translate it, and to return it.

Ahh, well I think for an inventory scanner you might find a challenge to build that with Wix. It’s technically using the camera to scan a code, check the code with a database, then add a + 1 marker to that inventory.

If you used a management system that connected to a database wix could read that and display it, but using wix to actually scan would prove challenging. I don’t think we have a camera hook for scanning.

I was thinking of doing it via an HTML iFrame. I looked for some examples online, but they are all using additional JS files. I tried to put them in the backend, but I don’t understand how to import them from the backend into the iFrame.

Copy that!

Did you checked wix npm module support? might find a npm package to use barcode.

Hi boazalbert

It’s definitely not possible with an iFrame, since you won’t be able to access the users camera. With that said, I posted a solution in this post: