Bespoke formatting of #store invoices #featurerequest

Hi, is there any possibility that the invoice formatting can be personalised, so that store invoices can be printed on a single page and in a more user-friendly format than they are now?
When there are several orders awaiting process in the morning, you can select them all to print at once, but the print format is spread across several pages per order, which is not only wasteful, but adds to the workload.
Is it possible to personalise the format, even to adjust the position of the customers address, so that the orders can be printed onto pre-label invoices sheets, as universally used, especially with Amazon.
At the moment, its sadly adding to my clients workload, rather than efficiently easing it, which defeats the object of a great online store management. Would be great if someone could kindly advise please?
Many thanks


I’m not sure if that is possible yet. It’s a feature request right now :frowning:

Agreed, one of my big clients is rightly upset that they cannot freely manipulate their info on invoices using WIX tools. I’ve requested it be made a feature too!


Invoice management for an online store is crucial; I just wish there was a fast-track feature request or at least technical support for suggested alternatives meantime!

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Hi, does anyone know if this has been fixed by wix as I don’t seem to be able to fit everything on one page still? thanks