Best Way to Learn Wix Code?


I’m interested in developing a few websites using Wix code.

Would learning JavaScript significantly help?

If not, where is the best place to start with learning Wix code in a logical order?

I started watching the videos and read some of the online documentation, but I think a more focused, orderly approach would make more sense.



Hello, and welcome to Wix Code .

Learning Javascript is necessary to use wix code, as its based on Javascript, then to learn more about wix code, you can got to - Wix Code Api References - These Apis empower you to take full control of your site’s functionality. Use the APIs to interact with page elements, your site’s database content, and external services. The APIs also give you access to information about your site, its users, and more.

****** To use the APIs, you’ll need a working knowledge of JavaScript , including ES2015 features, such as Promises and modules. The APIs include lots of code examples to help you get started. Also, as you know " The best way to learn is by doing "

Good Luck!


Thanks for the thoughtful and detailed response, Mustafa!

also on You Tube check out Nayeli Gomez’s videos (AKA Code Queen). She teaches Wix code in layman’s terms. Yes it helps to learn Javascript. There is an app called Grasshopper that helped me. Good luck