Blank space at the bottom of the page which disappears when i hover mouse over the link of page in header menu.

My website which was working just fine a few days ago suddenly started showing blank space at the bottom of the page after footer section. Strangely, as i move the mouse over page link in header menu, the blank space goes away. i have a table which fetches its data from collection and resizes automatically. Once it expands the space gets created.
I have tried all i could find in this forum like, double clicking on “adjust page height” etc.
Please help me with this.

Looking forward to get a solution as i am stuck since one week.

Hi mandeepgupta25792,
This forum is for corvid(wix code) related topics only. This is not related to corvid. If you need help, contact customer care:

Arthur :grin:

Thanks Arthur. Excuse me for my ignorance. I am very new to Wix, still figuring out things.