I’m building a custom booking flow and I got it working up to the point of doing the checkout.
The checkout does not return any value, nor is the booking saved.
Any ideas what I’m missing here?
export function bookingConfirm_click(event) {
let formFieldValues = ;
let $item = $w.at(event.context);
console.log("event is: ", event)
console.log(“dataset is: “, $w(”#bookingDataset”))
formFieldValues = [{
“_id”: “9e655cb8-0a1f-412e-9121-a3c7dca6f42d”,
“value”: “Tester User”
“_id”: “1e49e517-2f8b-4444-9569-c0ad6e32f52f”,
“value”: “test@a.com”
let bookingInfo = {
// selected slot object
“slot”: chosenSlot,
// form filed values collected above
“formFields”: formFieldValues
.then( (results) => {
console.log(“In booking checkout”)
$w(‘#confirmationText’).text = results.status;
} );