I have opened the Wix Booking Example in Wix Editor and started in Preview the page Bookings/Services Services page. The page is not showing the Schedule data and not updating the duration.
Same effect is even in the published example.
In the developer console, the following error text is shown.
Loading the code for the Redirect page. To debug this code, open ghd6j.js in Developer Tools.
Loading the code for the Bookings/Services Services Service P... page. To debug this code, open xn88a.js in Developer Tools.
Failed to load initial data Error: Unknown error. Request ID: 1579462880.808149574450662316674. Message: UNKNOWN: Unknown token id -> List(15641d50-794e-4c80-ab88-1f7119d1918a).
TypeError: Cannot read property 'serviceDurationInMinutes' of null
I have tried the example on the following link https://www.wix.com/corvid/example/service-page.
Can someone comment or give advise how to correct this code? thanks.
PS I created the example from scratch in another web site and the following error text shows.
Loading the code for the site. To debug this code, open masterPage.js in Developer Tools.
Loading the code for the Bookings/Services (Slug) page. To debug this code, open quxdr.js in Developer Tools.
Unknown error. Request ID: 1579463025.1141495921516031498. Message: UNKNOWN: Operator GT doesn't support field slugs.name of type Array$.
Unknown error. Request ID: 1579463025.3521495921516071498. Message: UNKNOWN: Unknown token id -> List(583fa924-cc71-4fd0-b901-63fea80c97be).
Unknown error. Request ID: 1579463025.1141495921516041498. Message: UNKNOWN: Operator LT doesn't support field slugs.name of type Array$.
Failed to load initial data Error: Unknown error. Request ID: 1579463025.3521495921516071498. Message: UNKNOWN: Unknown token id -> List(583fa924-cc71-4fd0-b901-63fea80c97be).
TypeError: Cannot read property 'serviceDurationInMinutes' of null
Something with Operator LT and GT.