Booo. No More Mailchimp Integration

I just want to voice my displeasure that Wix is dropping Mailchimp support from its forms.

I’m not sure the reasoning behind it…but if it’s to coerce users into using Ascend then that really sucks.


Hi Shannon,

The Mailchimp Form app is still available. It actually has more functionality than the original integration, and there is even more planned for it. It is built by a company called Mailmunch.

Some of the features:
-Sync All contacts, new and old (Original app did not do this)
-Has more information per contact (Original was FN, LN, Email)
-Comes with its own form builder
-Built-in analytics
-Forms can be customized, timed, etc

You can check out the app here . :slight_smile:

Yeah I’m aware of that, but it’s a third party add-on. I really just want to keep the ability to connect my very simple “subscribe to…” forms to Mailchimp. (sigh)

Hi @sheyla , after researching this a bit, it seems like there’s way less features now, so please let me know if I’m wrong here as that would be wonderful!

BEFORE - with the old MailChimp integration offered, I could use my own Wix forms to gather information from customers in a variety of ways and places around my sites. That customer contact data would automatically and instantly be imported into my Mailchimp contact lists and I could control the emails that go out to my customers there based on which form they used.

NOW - I can do zero of those things.
The new Mailchimp by Mailmunch app only advertises offering forms and landing pages. I need neither of those. I need a way for my Wix contacts to show up at like I used to be able to.

Wix’s email marketing platform can only do a fraction of what MailChimp can, so it’s really important to be able to continue to use Mailchimp for email marketing.

Hi @hello42115 !

You could try exporting your Wix contacts as a csv and importing them to your MailChimp account.

Aside from that, we really appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback and I will certainly pass it on to the team.

Hi @sheyla , unfortunately, manually exporting my Wix contacts also does not accomplish the things I need (things I used to be able to do with the old mailchimp integration).

It feels a bit like this was a purposeful restricting of quality options as a way to force Wix users into using the far less-featured Ascend program. Do you know what caused the loss of the old Mailchimp integration option?

@hello42115 there are several reasons why an integration might be discontinued, including technical issues. I hear you though - and I’ll check in with the team and circle back if there is any additional information.

@shannon64283 @hello42115 have you come up with an adequate alternative?