I have a box with an attached repeater that expands with different images. When I use this box on one page then it pushes the following elements down or retracts them up according to the length of the repeater list. That is fine.
However when I make the box available on all pages then it does not push or retracts but is shown over the next element. Any Idea how to correct that?
Thank you.
What do you mean by “make the box available on all pages”?
Please post the editor URL of your site. Only authorized Wix personnel can get access to your site in the editor. Please include the name of the page involved.
I mean the show on all page button. When activated then the box with the attached repeater does not shove the next element down or bring it up when the repeater info is shorter. Here the editor link to the one of the pages: https://editor.wix.com/html/editor/web/renderer/edit/4df0438b-a62b-4a22-899b-f28b05e31611?metaSiteId=e7d80df3-f599-4372-83a9-6adaa8358be1&editorSessionId=6ee400f2-9d90-4a4d-bc1d-6e5d9d7de30b&referralInfo=my-account
The page is Prophetic Words Blog and on the right on top between the login button and the Featured Posts you will find the box and the attached repeater. When this repeater has only one image then the Featured Posts and all that follows should move up and when the repeater will show many images then Featured Posts should be shoved down. This works if the “Show on all page button” is not activated. But when it is activated then no shoving down or lifting up will occur.
Did you had a change to look at it?
Yes, and it’s a little confusing… I don’t see this happen in testing - I get a full repeater list so no shifting up of the components directly below.
I’m not sure why there’s a difference in behavior with the “show on all” enabled/disabled. One thing I did notice is that on the “Prophetic Words Blog” page, the Repeater is in a Box. On the other pages (at least all that I checked), the Repeater stands alone. This might affect the way the Repeater behaves - I’m just not sure how.
I need to check with QA and development on this.
So it’s like this…
On the “Prophetic Words Blog” page, I did the following…
disabled “show on all” for the Repeater and the Container Box
dragged the Repeater out of the Container Box
enabled “show on all” for the Container Box
dragged the Repeater into the Container Box so that it attached to the box
the Repeater now displays on all pages within the Container
Not sure this will “fix” the problem, since I haven’t actually seen the problem myself (or perhaps I don’t know what I’m looking for). However, the behavior should now at least be consistent on all pages.
I hope this helps.
@yisrael-wix Unfortunately it did not change the behavior. To test it go to the “Prophetic Words Blog” page and to the Prophetic Words Blog Code and then change the line from
.eq(“title”, email) );
.eq(“title”, “madisonmcnair@hotmail.com”) );
save it and preview
then you will see only one image and the Featured Posts should all move up so that there is no blank space between the image and the Featured Posts. Unfortunately this does not work and you will see a blank space. Why is the dynamic moving feature not working?
I add a screenshot where you can see the big blank gap between the image and the Featured posts:
Thank you.
Hey @triplegrace55 , Thanks. Now I have something to show to QA. I agree that the behavior is strange.
Just to follow up… Seems that QA agrees that this is not the correct behavior, and a ticket was opened. Hopefully they’ll fix this soon.
@yisrael-wix Thank you so much and I will wait for the outcome. Happy Chanukah!
@yisrael-wix Have you heard from QA because I need to continue with page improvements and I can only do that when it works correctly. Thank you.
I have not heard back from you or the development team for a long time. The problem persists and it seems nothing is done to rectify it. Please send me an update when this fault will be corrected so that I can continue with my site.
I confirm the strange behavior. The container box doesn’t expand whit the repeater