[BUG] Getting Apollo Error when Trying to view order created from Rest API

When a site member has no order it properly displays the My Orders box showing “You haven’t placed any orders yet.”

However, after initiating Create Order from the Wix Rest API, I am able to see the orders from the site dashboard, but trying to view the order in the member’s page as the site member I’m using to test just keeps it spinning/loading and displays this error message:

ApolloError.js:34 Uncaught (in promise) Error: GraphQL error: INVALID_ARGUMENT: [<none>#createPreviewLink]
    at new t (ApolloError.js:34:28)
    at QueryManager.js:325:41
    at QueryManager.js:818:25
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at QueryManager.js:815:27
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at e.broadcastQueries (QueryManager.js:812:42)
    at QueryManager.js:747:31

I’ve tried using a different site member to see if it was just something bugged with the site member itself, but the same thing happened. It looks like initiating orders from the REST API is just causing the query to not work properly.

Thank you.

Can you share the code and query that is causing this error?

Hello Anthony,
thank you for your response

there is no code or query, this is just the error that shows in the dev console when you try to view the My Orders page natively from the wix site, created by wix studio. it appears the problem occurs only when an order is created through any back end, in my case the REST API.

Apollo appears to be what you guys use to query the orders from the database which is why I don’t have any code or query to give.