Button point to load dynamic page with filter sellected

Yes I have a dynamic page with data set and repeater
Also have drop down menu which filter the repeater and works good
I have on another pages ( home page ) buttons which I need it to open the dynamic page and also an option selected from the drop down menu as if a user open the dynamic page and then choose an option from the drop down menu

Appreciate your help

Ok, very hard to understand your description.

What i understood…

  1. User is on HOME-PAGE
  2. On HOME-PAGE you have several BUTTONS.
  3. User click one of this BUTTONS to be navigated directly to a DYNAMIC-Page?
  4. After navigation to the related DYNAMIC-PAGE, the FILTER should do some filter-actions automatically?

But still not everything clear!

What do the BUTTONS on HOME-PAGE do and which VALUES du they have? Which functionality do they do?

a) The buttons holds data for Dropdown?
b) The buttons navigates to DYNAMIC-PAGE?
c) The click onto a BUTTON do both?

Did you already use some code? If not you will probably have to code all what you have already done by using the PROPERTY-PANEL.

You will have to use…

  1. Wix-Storage-API → data-memory-function https://www.wix.com/velo/reference/wix-storage

  2. Wix-Location-API → site/page-navigation

  3. You store all needed data-info on page-1 to the Wix-Storage.

  4. You get back data-info from Wix-Storage on page-2.

  5. You generate a function which starts —> onReady().

  6. This function gets part-info out of wix-storage to navigate to your desired DYNAMIC-PAGE.

  7. And this function also changes the VALUE of DROPDOWN also out of the Wix-Storage using the second part-data.

  8. an onChange-triggered function of the Dropdown would start the FILTER-FUNCTION.

Something like this could be your solution.

You will have to code it.