Button text within a repeater container is blurry but outside it's sharp?

Hi, so I’m setting up a repeater list with hover function and when I take my button and attach it to the repeater, the text becomes slightly blurred, like it has anti aliasing applied. I’m wondering how to remedy this as it looks way better when it’s sharper like it is across the rest of my site.

Tried checking all design options within each element in the container to see if they’re interfering but no joy. I imagine the repeater pre-set I used has smoothing applied to it and that’s what’s going on.


I cant replicate this problem. Do you have a screenshot to help ? Is it a basic button or styled button ? Which pre-set reapeater did you use ?

Hi Dan,

Sorry for the late response, was away on a trip.

So it’s a styled button but I’ve only changed colour and font, nothing else.

It was a repeater with the photos of people within a circle.

So here’s 3 screenshots. First is a side by side of a button inside the repeater and one inside.


2nd is up close of button outside repeater

3rd is up close of same button after its been moved inside the repeater.

Note: Since i’m a new user, the 2nd and 3rd screenshot will be placed onto their own reply as I can only add 1 image per reply.

2nd Image:


3rd Image:


I am still not able to replicate the issue. Is it only on the editor or is the live site also showing blurred button ?

Interesting, when it initially happened I deleted the repeater and started fresh in case it was due to some tweaking I did.

I currently don’t have the site published but it persists during the preview mode also.

It’s not that big of a deal tbf, the buttons just don’t like as crisp inside the repeater. It’s something I’ll figure out down the line I guess and shelve it for now unless someone else has any ideas.

Thanks for your time though.