I’m having similar trouble to the post here: https://www.wix.com/code/home/forum/community-discussion/link-string-value-work-from-second-click-and-up, only slightly different context.
I set up a button (with id compareAll) to change the visible/hidden content on part of a page when the button is clicked. However, the button never works on the 1st click: it always takes 2 clicks (but not a double-click) for the button to do what it’s supposed to do, and then It works perfectly - until I reload the page.
I get the same behavior with both onClick(event) and click(event), I have the button itself pulled to the front of the page, and I have the event attached to the button through the Properties Panel.
I’d appreciate any help with this problem.
Here’s the relevant code:
let showing = 'hover';
let fadeOptions8 = {
"duration": 1200,
"delay": 0
export function compareAll_onClick(event) {
if (showing === 'hover') {
$w("#box2").hide("fade", fadeOptions8);
$w("#box1, #text147").show("fade", fadeOptions8);
$w("#compareAll").label = "Compare All";
showing = 'competitionAll';
else {
$w("#box2").show("fade", fadeOptions8);
$w("#box1, #text147").hide("fade", fadeOptions8);
$w("#compareAll").label = "Hide Table";
showing = 'hover';