In this short example you will learn how to calculate age using WIX Date Picker element
My Elements
I first edited my date picker input field by giving it a field title, setting my initial text to today’s date and unchecking the ‘Required Field’ (Which you can check if your form or input requires it)
Next, I edited the calendar itself by toggling off the ‘Show future dates’ . Since it’s a birthday we only need dates from the present and from the past.
I then added a text element that will display the new age when the calendar is changed.
NOTE: This text element is hidden onLoad. It is shown when the date picker is changed.
Then here comes the code. It is indeed a short example used to calculate age using the present year from the date object and subtracting it with the year picked by the user from the date picker.
var todaysDate =newDate().getFullYear();//Current year
let inputDate =$w("#datePickerID).value;//Value from date picker
var inputDateYear = inputDate.getFullYear();
$w("#ageText").text =`You are "${String(todaysDate - Number(inputDateYear))}" years old`'
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