Hey Guys,
Im fairly new to coding, so please bear with me. I have two Inputs on my site, I want the user to be able to enter a value into both and the #total .text will add them together. I have got as far as the below, which works, but one replaces the other rather than them being added. Can someone please help!? Thanks
export function input1_change_1(event, $w) {
let price = Number(449);
let selectedQuantity = Number(event.target.value);
$w('#total').text = String(850+ (selectedQuantity * price));
export function input2_change_1(event, $w) {
let price = Number(39);
let selectedQuantity = Number(event.target.value);
$w('#total').text = String(selectedQuantity * price);
October 30, 2019, 1:51pm
Do you mean something like;
$w.onReady(() => {
let price1 = 0;
let price2 = 0;
$w("#input1, #input2").onChange(event => {
let target = event.target.id;
let newVal = Number($w("#" + target).value);
target === "input1" ? price1 = 449 * newVal : price2 = 39 * newVal;
$w("#total").text = (price1 + price2).toLocaleString();
Hey, how would I add more inputs to the above code?
April 22, 2020, 9:27am
You can try:
let prices = [
elementId:" input1",
pricePerUnit : 449
elementId: "input2",
pricePerUnit : 39
elementId: "input3",
pricePerUnit : 70
prices = prices.map(e => {e.qt = 0; return e;});
let selector = prices.reduce((a,c) => a + `#${c.elementId},`, "");
$w.onReady(() => {
$w(selector).onChange(event => {
let itemToUpdate = prices.find(e => e.elementId === event.target.id);
itemToUpdate.qt = Number($w("#" + event.target.id).value);
let total = prices.reduce((a,c) => a + c.pricePerUnit * c.qt, 0);
$w("#total").text = total.toLocaleString();
I can’t seem to make that work. I wonder if I lay out what calculation I am trying to do, that might help?
What I need to do is:
Input 1: Value * 1 = X1
Input 2: Value * 0.02 =X2
Input 3: Value * 1 = X3
Input 4: Value * 0.04 =X4
X1X2 = Y1
X3 X4 = Y2
Y1+Y2 = Y3
Input 1: Value * 1 = X5
Input 2: Value * 0.14 =X6
Input 3: Value * 1 = X7
Input 4: Value * 0.15 =X8
X5X6 = Y4
X7 X8 = Y5
Y4+Y5 = Y6
Total = Y6-Y3
This is the input form, if it helps to visualise…
Really appreciate your help!