Can anyone help me make the src of my custom element on my dynamic use the html link from my database?

Can anyone help me make the src of my custom element on my dynamic use the html link from my database?

I’m have a dynamic page which shows my original artworks and information about the art.

I want my customers to be able to see the correct 3d artwork that matches the artwork they are reading about.I’m using google model viewer to show a 3d rendering of the artwork using a custom element.

It works when I put in an attribute using the UI titled src and enter the value as the url to the glb file (3d model). But I can’t seem to yet figure out a way to make the src value connect to my database so it shows the correct model.

Wix Editor

Chat gpt gave me this code:

Which I entered in the js velo file after importing the model viewer.

import “google/model-viewer”; // Import th$w.onReady(function () {

// Wait for the dataset to be fully loaded
$w.onReady(function () {
// Wait for the dataset to be fully loaded
$w(“#Puzzle”).onReady(() => {
const currentItem = $w(“#Puzzle”).getCurrentItem(); // Fetch the current item from the dataset
console.log(“Current Item:”, currentItem); // Log the entire item for debugging

    // Check if the current item and the aRurl field exist
    if (currentItem && currentItem.aRurl) {
        console.log("AR URL:", currentItem.aRurl);  // Log the AR URL value

        // Get the model-viewer element from the page
        const modelViewer = $w("#modelviewer"); // Use $w to access the element

        if (modelViewer) {
            modelViewer.src = currentItem.aRurl; // Set the src attribute dynamically with the URL
        } else {
            console.log("Model Viewer element not found.");
    } else {
        console.log("No AR URL found for this item.");


Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!!

From the screenshot it looks like you are trying to set an attribute, in which case you should look at the API docs for setAttribute. ChatGPT likely thought you meant setting a src directly. You can feed it the context of the documentation if you prefer to continue to problem solve there$w/custom-element/set-attribute