I would like to add a simple zoom effect when I hoover over an image. How can I do that?
Thank you
I would like to add a simple zoom effect when I hoover over an image. How can I do that?
Thank you
Hello and Happy Holidays –despite this crazy year–; just an amateur former wix user here happy 2 help / shed some light.
As far as I recall, you can manually achieve what you’re describing only with images in the Wix Pro Gallery . You can add a gallery from either the Wix App Market or directly from the EditorX’s Add Panel in “+ > MEDIA > Pro Galleries”.
Then you can select your gallery and open the Settings, in which you’ll be able to achieve the zoom effect for each hovered image in the next adress:
“Design > Item Style > Hover effects” and make sure to select ‘Zoom in’.
I’m afraid it isn’t possible yet* to manually** add this same effects on hover to isolated image items on the site’s pages. However, hope it helps
** Hover Effects & some other animations are seemingly already possible in both Wix & EditorX using the Wix Velo (turning on DevMode) through some #coding. You may want to read a bit about the Wix Code API ; you may need to use the .onMouseIn and .onMouseOut events; or, if the images can fit in a repeater, you could follow this tutorial posted by @ajithkrr in the Velo’s Forum .
You can achieve this with Velo with very simple code.
Here is an example:
You can learn more about wixAnimation, here .
Happy new year!
This is exactly what I was looking for. Can I add multiple images at a time with this code?
Use this code example:
import wixAnimations from 'wix-animations';
$w.onReady(function () {
function addHoverEffectToImages() {
const images = ['#image02', '#image02', '#image03']; // Enter all the photo ID's here.
images.forEach(image => {
$w(image).onMouseIn(() => {
.add($w(image), { scale: 1.1, duration: 300 })
$w(image).onMouseOut(() => {
.add($w(image), { scale: 1, duration: 300 })
couldn’t get this to work on my site. Is there anything I need to adjust?
at this point we have hover and click interactions released, here is the example and Academy Lesson you can refer to:
Adding to that if you put it in a container with overflow set to Hide , it will look similar to zooming in.