Can I reset the mobile version of my website?

Is there an easy way to RESET the mobile version of my website

Wix editor
I am dissatisfied with the layout of the mobile version
My ability to optimize the mobile version is very limited.
What have you already tried:
[I have tried to fiddle around on the layout and don’t like the result

Additional information:
[Include any other pertinent details or information that might be helpful for people to know when trying to answer your question.]

No “reset” for Wix mobile layout, but here’s how to fix it:

  1. Rebuild Manually:
  • Switch to mobile view.
  • Identify and fix layout issues (spacing, size, etc.).
  • Rearrange/edit elements with drag-and-drop.
  • Hide/show elements as needed.
  • Use mobile-specific features.
  1. Start Fresh : Only if mobile layout is very messy:
  • Clear mobile layout.
  • Rebuild mobile layout from scratch (refer to strategy #1).

Thanks. What is strategy #2?

Tried drag and drop to repair mobile version of my website. Could not drag and drop. ???