Can Product Page's Add to Cart Button go to my site's other page?

I just wanna use the product page to show my products but not use the cart page. Can I set the button go to my site’s other page? For my pleasure, the contact us page?

I didn’t find the function in the Product Page function. And also there are no way in the Dev Mode or Velo.Can you help me?

If it’s not within the settings, then it’s probably not a supported feature. I’ll forward the feedback to the team.

As for using Velo, usually you can’t use Velo to change the app functionality. You generally would build out your own store flow:

ok,thanks for you help.Sometimes I think you’d better give more code freedom to make us programmer do better function,right? wix/editorX is more tend to designer but not programmer.

Roberto is likely right this is currently completely non-editbale portion of the page. You can however, edit your cart page and turn off any ways you collect money, or possibly though I’ve not tried this add a redirect to your cart page so if they click on add to cart or go to cart it redirects them. Just ideas not sure if they’ll work. I also would like to add code to the product page for shipping delivery date. So this feature does really need to be addressed. We need more functionality and/or description options layout options. etc. I’m no programmer, but I like to learn. ~HoodBilly Mall~

Thanks @hoodbillyllc for the comment. Regarding the delivery date, I take it it’s different than the local delivery option?