I just wanna use the product page to show my products but not use the cart page. Can I set the button go to my site’s other page? For my pleasure, the contact us page?
I didn’t find the function in the Product Page function. And also there are no way in the Dev Mode or Velo.Can you help me?
ok,thanks for you help.Sometimes I think you’d better give more code freedom to make us programmer do better function,right? wix/editorX is more tend to designer but not programmer.
Roberto is likely right this is currently completely non-editbale portion of the page. You can however, edit your cart page and turn off any ways you collect money, or possibly though I’ve not tried this add a redirect to your cart page so if they click on add to cart or go to cart it redirects them. Just ideas not sure if they’ll work. I also would like to add code to the product page for shipping delivery date. So this feature does really need to be addressed. We need more functionality and/or description options layout options. etc. I’m no programmer, but I like to learn. ~HoodBilly Mall~