Can we download our database to visitors ?

What are you trying to accomplish?

See the Content Examples to see how to use database collections.

If you wish to create a dump of one of your collection into a file that your visitor can download it’s possible to create a CSV on the frontend side of your app. Look online about creating file in the browser

I would like them to download it to their computer and only one database.

@meliauab you can fetch the collection on the frontend part of your app then generate a file base on the fetched data. Once the file is generate you can trigger a fake download so your customer can save it.

@meliauab I decide to give it a try and build that feature for myself.

is this what you need?

I use the code from this page inside an iframe

Yes that’s what I want but to go further can we download in pdf. Thanks You

Hi mélissa, generating pdf is much more complex and require custom code to generate the way you want. But It can be achieve with wix I believe