Cannot escape or add blank space when using code to change Gallery text

I have create da single row scrollable gallery.

The gallery only has two text fields and I need four.

The gallery Items are being added via code which access a cms collection.
And also adds three text values from the cms fields together forming a single string.

title , timeFrom and timeTo
and then uses that string as the Gallery items description.

var titleAndTime = elem["title"] + " " + elem["timeFrom"] + " - " + elem["timeTo"]

The spaces being in this bit + " " +

This works but I cannot add any spacing between the title and the timeFrom and timeTo parts of the string.
The blank spaces are being stripped and I have not found a way to escape them.

I did try literal entries but that did not work either. The space still got stripped.

function updateGallery() {
    wixData.query("Mondays").ascending("timeFrom").find().then(async (res) => {

        if (res) {
            let info = [];
   (elem) => {

               if (elem["title"]) {
                  var titleAndTime =  elem["title"] + "  " + elem["timeFrom"] + " - " + elem["timeTo"] 
                    info.push({ "type": "image", "src": elem["image"], "alt": elem["title"], "title": titleAndTime , "description":  elem["event"]  })

                    $w("#Monday").items = await info

				//	set limit of items  with //  $w("#gallery2").items = await info.slice(0, 5);





[Wix Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
I want to space out the concatenated text so it appears like this

Instead of this