Can't get addToCart function to work

I’m trying to add a product to the cart in my store, via click of a button. The product has 4 options and a mandatory custom text field. Im using the following code. Can anyone see where I am going wrong? The code seems to open up the shopping cart to the right of the page, but no product is added:

$w.onReady( function () {
//TODO: write your page related code here…

$w(“#button1”).onClick( () => {
$w(“#shoppingCartIcon1”).addToCart(“f40e3741-5c56-a54e-f4a8-6ee5ad994200”, 1, {
“choices”: [{

“Anti-Aging”: “None”},

  {"Rejuvenating & Soothing": "None"}, 

  {"Lifting & Firming": "None"}, 

  {"Blemish Reduction": "None"}], 

“customTextFields”: [{
“title”:“Who is the custom cream for?”,




It seem you start your choices with [ which seem not to be correct according to docs. Look at the sample in the docs.

$w('#shoppingCartIcon1').addToCart("ea77f230-558f-0ba565e8f827", 2, { "choices": { "Size": "Small" }, "customTextFields": [ { "title": "Personalization 1", "value": "Personalized Text 1" }, { "title": "Personalization 2", "value": "Personalized Text 2" } ] } ) .then( () => {     console.log("Product added"); } ) .catch( (error) => {     console.log(error); } );