Change menu design on one page

I have a hamburger menu which rolls out from right 50% viewport width. On one page I want this menu 100% width. How to do that?

When I detach the menu from the master on this page then then it’s detached on all pages and the change will occur on all pages.

When not showing the menu on that page and I add a new menu it’s attached to the master again.

How to escape from this loop?

Hi, you can create a second mobile menu. Then if don’t show the master menu on this particular page and instead use the second menu. You change the menu container to full with of the screen.

Hey @leo , you can detach the Header from being a master on that particular page, and any change you do won’t apply on other pages.

Hi @jonathant

Thanks for your answer!

But it won’t work. I can indeed detach the header from the master.

But when opening the hamburger menu the container is still detached to the master. And there is no option in the menu to detach the container on that page. So when alter the menu it will apply on all pages.

When I create a second hamburger menu on the page, as @info87066 suggest,
the same thing happens. The hamburger will open the same container.

I can place a vertical or horizontal menu on the page that’s no solution to my problem. So it has to do something with the mobile hamburger menu.

Hi @leo,

You can’t currently change the width of the menu container on a single page, even if you try to add a second hamburger menu on the page. I’ve passed this feedback on to the Editor X team.

However, I can propose an alternative idea to try. On the specific page where you want the menu to be wider, you can add a shape or vector art as the hamburger menu icon, and link it to a lightbox. Make the lightbox slide from the right. And place a vertical menu within the lightbox. Essentially creating your own hamburger menu on that specific page.

I hope this helps.



Hi @carmelsc Your alternative idea is perfect. Thanks!