Change mobile text size in rich content

The rich content element allows customizing text size for desktop view, but doesn’t allow any customizing in mobile view. As a result the text looks quite large in mobile view and I want to make it smaller. I don’t want to use a text or rich text element because I have lots of database entries using rich content already . Can I achieve this by code or by any other solution?

Thank you in advance.


Yes I’d like the same please

I can’t actually believe this is a thing but just come accros it myself and now scratching my head. I love Wix but sometimes you site there thinking… Why, just why. This should not be a problem!

Did you ever find a solution to this?

@richirv nope I think there is a feature vote for this. I’ve had to minimise the amount of rich content and stick to rich text where possible to help. Annoying.

That’s very annoying, thanks for taking the time to respond though. I am so glad it only effected 2 pages. Although now having to switch back to rich text they are going to not look very good!

Wix needs to sort this out, not wait for votes on something that should be standard!

Hi everyone,
I wasn’t able to find an open feature request on this topic, so you can submit one to Wix Customer Care . They track all requests and share them with the product teams. Thanks!

Completely agree, ludicrous to release something which isn’t fit for mobile. Wish I realised earlier!

@richirv Hi Richard, I haven’t found a way to completely resolve this. I chose to decrease the text size by 1-2pt in the desktop view so it gets smaller in the mobile view. Not really what I wanted but it looks a bit better in mobile.

Just another workaround that I recently thought of: You can duplicate the rich content on your page, one having the large text size (suitable for desktop) and one having the smaller text size (suitable for mobile). On the desktop view, hide the small rich content somewhere (I put it behind the large rich content) and only show the large rich content. On mobile view, hide the large rich content, show the small one instead.


Hi from 2023! I faced the same issue, the same surprised about it aaaand I really thank you for your workaround! I used it. Hope it will affect the page load speed not much

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@huonggiangnguyen2305 Will this workaround cause issues with google indexing?

The rich content text size is now customizable differently on desktop and mobile view so I abandoned this workaround. When I was using the workaround I don’t really notice an issue.