Change submit button URL depending on dropdown selection

I was following with this thread, but got stuck:
www.wix. com/corvid/forum/community-discussion/redirect-to-a-form-based-on-input

// For full API documentation, including code examples, visit
import wixLocation from "wix-location";

export function dropdown1_change(event, $w) {

let option = ($w("#dropdown1").value);
if (option === "Microsoft Powerpoint") {
  $w("#button8").link = "www.owheeler. com/about";
  $w("#button8").target = "_blank"; // same window or new window _blank
} else if (option === "Google Slides") {
  $w("#button8").link = "www.owheeler. com/home";
  $w("#button8").target = "_blank"; // same window or new window _blank

(FYI used placeholder URLs)

Hallo Olivia,

do you need something like this…

Yes that’s it! What was your solution?

You can see now in the updated version…

import wixLocation from "wix-location";

$w.onReady(function () {

export function button1_click(event) {
    let option = $w("#dropdown1").selectedIndex

    if ( option === 0 ) {"");} 
    else if ( option === 1 )    {"");}
    else if ( option === 2 )    {"");}
    else if ( option === 3 )    {"");}
    else if ( option === 4 )    {"");}

Thank you so much!! :grinning:Works perfectly.

Similar to this, how could this code be written if the drop downs were linked to a dataset and the target was a Dynamic page inside the website?

Hello aircooledevolution,

if you use a dynamic page, then you will also have dynamic links (URLs) which changes with selected page, right?

So you URL also has to be dynamic.

for example … (“link-tutorials-title” is a dynamic URL)

 let myURL = $w('#dataset1').getCurrentItem()["link-tutorials-title"]
 let contentLink1 = $w('#dataset1').getCurrentItem()["link-tutorials-title"]

in your case something like this…

import wixLocation from "wix-location";

$w.onReady(function () {

export function button1_click(event) {
    let option = $w("#dropdown1").selectedIndex

    if ( option === 0 ) {["link-tutorials-title"]);} 

An example of this page …(Tutorial-Overview) with its table where you can see all the data loaded from a data-collection, wich is connected with a DATASET.
The 2 corresponding colums in the database you see above in the pics.

export function table1_rowSelect(event) {
    setTimeout (()=>{
        $w('#dataset1').onReady( () => {
 let currentRowIndex = event.rowIndex
 let URL = $w('#dataset1').getCurrentItem().url
 let myURL = $w('#dataset1').getCurrentItem()["link-tutorials-title"]
 let contentLink1 = $w('#dataset1').getCurrentItem()["link-tutorials-title"]

            $w('#BTNgo').link = myURL
        } );

By selecting a row, the current data loads and also the corresponding URL is loaded to the button (“Forum-Post” & “GO”). “BTNgo” gets the dynamic link.

@russian-dima thank you very much for the explanation: I really appreciate it.

For completeness and to help both me and others who might have this same question, how would the same function be used for static web pages within 1 website. For example, if you had a drop down linked to a data set (apple, orange, pear, etc.) which linked to a detailed page for each selection (apple) .

Have a read of Nayeli (Code Queen) example here.
Use dropdowns to navigate to another page on Wix

You can also simply add the options for the dropdown to your code itself as here.
Redirect users using Dropdowns in Wix Code

@GOS thank you very much for this information. It is exactly what I was looking for.

@russian-dima - Thanks for that… just what I was looking for!

Is there any way to ALSO make the page open [for the “button1_click(event)”] in a NEW window (even better a pop-up window)?

Yes this is possible.
But it would work some kind of another way.


$w("#myElement").link = "";
$w("#myElement").target = "_blank";

Thanks a lot, @russian-dima !

Actually, after asking the question here, I ‘hunted’ around a bit - and got together various pieces of code to get the following - which seems to be working…

$w.onReady(function () {
$w("#button1").target = "_blank";

$w("#dropdown1").onChange(event => {

if($w("#dropdown1").value === "0")
{$w("#button1"). link = "";
else if($w("#dropdown1").value === "1")
{$w("#button1"). link = "";
else {
    $w("#button1"). link = "";

I am NOT a ‘coder’ of any kind - just keep groping around in the dark! :yum:

If it’s working → then you got it :wink: