Change the link on a menu

I have a question about something that should be very simple.
I have an horizontal menu, and I want to change the link on one of the buttons, but for some reasons I don’t find any option allowing me to do this.

Can you help?
Many thanks!

Step-1: Getting all the menu-items out of your already existing menu…

let menuItems = $w('#myMenuIDhere').menuItems;

/* Sample array of menu items: 
 * [
 *   {
 *     "link": "",
 *     "target": "_self",
 *     "label": "Home",
 *     "selected": true,
 *     "menuItems": []
 *   },
 *   {
 *     "link": "",
 *     "target": "_self",
 *     "label": "Book a Flight",
 *     "selected": false,
 *     "menuItems": []
 *   },
 *   {
 *     "link": "",
 *     "target": "_self",
 *     "label": "Mileage Program",
 *     "selected": false,
 *     "menuItems": [
 *       {
 *         "link": "",
 *         "target": "_self",
 *         "label": "Join",
 *         "selected": false,
 *         "menuItems": []
 *       },
 *       {
 *         "link": "",
 *         "target": "_self",
 *         "label": "Check Miles",
 *         "selected": false,
 *         "menuItems": []
 *       }
 *     ]
 *   }
 * ]

Step-2: Manipulating the menu-items…

menuItems[0].link = '';
menuItems[0].label ='What ever your Label will be';
menuItems[0].menuItems = [**here you can define SUB-MENU-ITEMS**];

Manipulation done?

Then we will fullfill STEP-3:
** → SETTING the new data for MENU…**

$w('#myMenuIDhere').menuItems = menuItems;

At the end your menu will have new values for all manipulated properties.

Good luck and happy coding.