I have a dynamic page with a pageName/{ID} URL. This page is available to users for more than 6 months now. I want to change its URL to pageName/{Title}. I need to know if there are any implications on this i need to take into consideration. The only implication I can think of is that if any user bookmarked a page it will not work anymore… but anything else besides that?
Hello Ana,
This doesn’t seem like a wix code issue so I’m not sure this is the right place for this. Try here: Help Center | Wix.com
I would suggest creating a test website to test out some of the changes that could occur (based off of your live site).
If you are using wixLocation.to() to redirect users to those pages, then this might cause a problem, so be sure to double check all the linking/redirecting that goes on related to those pages.
O.K Thanks