Changing text/line/element color?

I’m not sure why, but I’m having trouble implementing a really simple function in the code panel. I would just like it so that if I click a certain textbox, it will change the text color of the text I clicked and also the other text around it (like in a navigation bar, when the selected menu option is a different color than the rest). Can anyone tell me what the code is? I used the “onClick” function in the properties panel but I’m not sure how to format the code beneath it.

The same also applies for box and line colors. Is there a function for changing those colors as well when clicked? For whatever reason I can’t seem to find a clear way to do it.

Please take a look at this article:

Using the “html” property of the text element, you can set the formatting to whatever you want.
You can for example set the html to be ‘hello’ on mouse in, and “hello” on mouse out, alternating between red and blue.