Charts In Wix

When I try to use charts It doesn’t show anything even if I delete the document. why it’s give this error?

Error : document.
(I tried to show this in box)

So question is why I can not access to the document. object?

Console error is this.

First, to access the element, you SHOULD NOT be using document.

Please select element starting with $w(‘#XXX’) handler.

Then, I know you want to send data to the element. You can use HTML communication OR custom element.

Please read this chart example from Wix:

So I need to code this in backend or frontend also which type of element I need to put into my design, should I put custom element or HTML element.

If I put custom element how can I show the data to the custom element, using custom element js files or backend files?

I didn’t understand it all :slight_smile: