Hello everyone,
I’m pretty new to coding and to Velo, therefore I need help.
I created a member’s page, the page gets the pricing plan that the member subscribed to, and it shows a specific form to be submitted in order to set a dashboard according to the region he/she selects.
When the user submits the form, my code checks for duplicates like email and field values. If the user has already submitted it an error will appear telling the user that the form was already submitted, if the value is “” or equal to another one, another message will appear and tells the user to check the selection and make 3 different selections.
Well for the Free Plan where only one dropdown is shown, everything runs smoothly, for the Basic where I have 3 dropdowns nothing works. So… let’ go to the code:
import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;
import wixUsers from ‘wix-users’ ;
$w . onReady ( function () {
console . log ( "Ready" )
**let** user = wixUsers . currentUser
user . getPricingPlans ()
. then (( pricingPlans ) => {
**let** firstPlan = pricingPlans [ 0 ];
**let** planName = firstPlan . name ;
**if** ( planName == '7 DAY FREE TRIAL $0' ){
$w ( '#text30' ). show ();
$w ( "#text31" ). show ();
$w ( '#dropdown1' ). show ();
$w ( '#emailInput' ). show ();
$w ( '#button1' ). show ();
searchForDuplicityFreePlan ();
**if** ( planName == 'BASIC' ){
$w ( '#text30' ). show ();
$w ( "#text31" ). show ();
$w ( '#dropdown2' ). show ();
$w ( '#dropdown3' ). show ();
$w ( '#dropdown4' ). show ();
$w ( '#emailInput2' ). show ();
$w ( '#button2' ). show ();
searchForDuplicityBasicPlan ();
async function searchForDuplicityFreePlan (){
$w ( "#dataset1" ). onBeforeSave ( **async** () => {
**let** checkEmailFreeOk = **await** checkEmailFree ();
**let** fieldCheck = $w ( "#dropdown1" ). value ;
**if** ( checkEmailFreeOk === **false** ){
$w ( "#text32" ). text = "An error occurred. You have already submitted this form" ;
**return** **false**
**if** ( fieldCheck === "" ){
$w ( "#text32" ). text = "An error occurred. Please select your region of interest" ;
**return** **false**
async function checkEmailFree (){
**let** flagFree = **true**
**await** wixData . query ( 'RegionSelectionQuizFree' )
. eq ( 'email' , $w ( "#emailInput" ). value )
. find ()
. then (( result )=>{
**if** ( result . items . length > 0 )
flagFree = **false**
**return** **await** flagFree
async function searchForDuplicityBasicPlan (){
$w ( "#dataset2" ). onBeforeSave ( **async** () => {
**let** checkEmailBasicOk = **await** checkEmailBasic ();
**let** region1 = $w ( "#dropdown2" ). value ;
**let** region2 = $w ( "#dropdown3" ). value ;
**let** region3 = $w ( "#dropdown4" ). value ;
**const** regions = **new** Set ();
regions . add ( region1 );
regions . add ( region2 );
regions . add ( region3 );
regions . **delete** ( "" );
**if** ( checkEmailBasicOk === **false** ){
$w ( "#text34" ). text = "An error occurred. You have already submitted this form" ;
**return** **false**
**if** ( regions . size !== 3 ) {
$w ( "#text34" ). text = "An error occurred. Please select 3 different regions of interest" ;
**return** **false**
async function checkEmailBasic (){
**let** flagBasic = **true**
**await** wixData . query ( 'RegionSelectionQuizBasic' )
. eq ( 'email' , $w ( "#emailInput2" ). value )
. find ()
. then (( result )=>{
**if** ( result . items . length > 0 )
flagBasic = **false**
**return** **await** flagBasic