I’m having a problem with a input form I created in which users need to choose between two Tours (radio buttons) and an optional tour (checkbox).
The submission to the database doesn’t seem to recognize when the checkbox is unchecked by code. It seems like as long as they initially click on the checkbox, even if the code unchecks it later, the database on submission will register it as checked.
Is there something wrong with my code?
If they select the first tour (radio button 1) a checkbox appears giving them an option to choose an additional tour.
Second tour (radio button 2) is suppose to collapse the checkbox and uncheck it.
export function TourSelection_change(event) {
if (event.target.selectedIndex === 0){
$w("#OptionalTour").checked = false;
if (event.target.selectedIndex === 1){
$w("#OptionalTour").checked = false;
$w("#OptionalTour").value = "No";