I am having trouble trying to create a number pad where the user can click on numbers (0-9) and these numbers will be added to the input screen above (like a phone dial screen). Once the user has inputted their numbers they can press enter.
If the numbers they enter match a predetermined number sequence set my me (admin) then they are directed to a page. If incorrect then it asks to re-enter or access denied messaged.
Any help will be appreciated.
Like a number pad entry password system.
So iv managed to code the enter button so when a specific set of numbers are entered it then redirects you to a sectret page. but iv not been able to code the number buttons to place the numbers into the text box.
At the mone the numbers are typed in.
Here is the panel now without the number pad. The user will input the code via keyboard input.
And if the string is incorrect it will not allow access but if it is then access is granted.
Anyone wish to test this and the site please be my guest. I’d love some feedback.