Code not Filtering Dataset Properly with checkbox groups

Okay so I have a dataset that is connected to a repeater and I am using a checkbox group so the user can filter that dataset, problem is whenever the the user checks the checkbox all the results dissapear even though there are supposed to be relevant results in the dataset.

here is my code:

import wixData from'wix-data'; 
$w.onReady(function () {
$w("#checkboxGroup17").onClick(() => {     $w("#dataset1").setFilter(wixData.filter().eq("#dataset1.Season", $w("#checkboxGroup17").value));

If of any use, the dataset uses tags.

First off, you can filter a repeater with tags by using this example here with selection tags.

As for your code, you only need to have the dataset id name for the setFilter function itself.

With the eq() function, the first value should be the string that you want to be matched with exactly as you have typed it in your code. The second value of the eq() function should be what value you are using to match against your specific first value.

Your code should look something like this.

import wixData from'wix-data'; 

$w.onReady(function () {

$w("#checkboxGroup17").onClick(() => {
$w("#dataset1").setFilter( wixData.filter()
.eq("Season", $w("#checkboxGroup17").value));

With ‘Season’ being what you want matched by the checkbox group value, so any match returned will only equal ‘Season’, if you are wanting ‘Season’ or ‘season’ then you can’t use the eq() and you would be better to use the contains() function.

Finally, be aware that the value of the checkbox group will be returned in an array, so even if just the one option is chosen, you will get a reply of [value1] or [value1, value2, value3]

If you want to use checkboxes instead of checkbox groups then you will have to use checked instead, you can see previous forum posts like here.

Plus, make use of the related posts box on the linked forum post above as it will give you links to other related posts that you might find useful too.