Code to insert images into a datacollection


I have quite a few user input fields, text, image and dropdown. I can insert everything using the value property, but don’t know how to put the image in the database. Here’s part of the code that happens on button click:

let artTitle = $w("#input1").value;   
let description = $w("#textBox1").value; 
let dimensions = $w("#input2").value; 
let image = $w("#uploadButton1").value; 
let medium = $w("#dropdown1").value; 

if (user.loggedIn) { 
	.then(email => { 
		let toInsert = { 
       	    "email": email, 
        	   "artTitle": artTitle, 
        	   "description": description, 
        	   "dimensions": dimensions, 
        	   "image": image, 
        	   "medium": medium, 
wixData.insert("datacollectionName", toInsert) 

The above code, does not insert the image. It give the following error:

So, what’s the right way to code to insert images?

Hi MJ.

Did you see the following example how to retrieve the uploaded file URL from UploadButton component?

The URL can be set to the image column.


Hi Genry,

Thank you!!! Got it to work.



You are welcome :slight_smile:


Hi MJ! Can you share how you got it to work. I have a similar problem and almost identical code to the one you first posted using toInsert. I’ve looked through the API Tiaan referenced, but I don’t see what you guys are referring to “how to retrieve the uploaded file URL from UploadButton component”

Here is a snippet from my code. Again, everything else inserts to the database, except the uploaded image:

export function SubmitStory_click(event, $w) {
 if ($w('#checkbox2').checked) {
 let toInsert = {
 "title": $w('#inputName').value,
 "email": $w('#inputEmail').value,
 "city": $w('#inputCity').value,
 "country": $w('#inputCountry').value,
 "selfie": $w('#uploadPicture').value,
 "termsOfService": true
        wixData.insert("Stories", toInsert)

Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!

First you’ll need to upload your image, then do the insert. So before your insert statement add:

$w(" #uploadPicture ").startUpload()
.then( (uploadedFile) => {
return uploadedFile.url;
} )

//Then your insert statement should follow
.then( (resultUrl) => {
let toInsert = {
“title”: $w(’ #inputName ‘).value,
“email”: $w(’ #inputEmail ‘).value,
“city”: $w(’ #inputCity ‘).value,
“country”: $w(’ #inputCountry ').value,
“selfie”: resultUrl,
“termsOfService”: true

wixData.insert(“Stories”, toInsert)

Hope this helps.

Amazing. Yes, this makes much more sense than other options presented it to me. I’m almost there but there is still something missing. I added it to my code… I am still getting one error in my code though, on " .then( (resultUrl) => { "

It says “parsing error: unexpected token”

export function SubmitStory_click(event, $w) {
    $w(" #uploadPicture").startUpload()
 .then( (uploadedFile) => {
 return uploadedFile.url;
 if ($w('checkbox1').checked && $w('#checkbox2').checked) {
        .then( (resultUrl) => {
 let toInsert = {
 "title": $w('#inputName').value,
 "email": $w('#inputEmail').value,
 "city": $w('#inputCity').value,
 "country": $w('#inputCountry').value,
 "selfie": resultUrl,
 "termsOfService": true
        wixData.insert("Stories", toInsert)

Hi Ashley.

You should place the statement

.then( (resultUrl) => {

before the “if”, and place the enclosing brace } at the end of the function.


Hi Genry! Thank you so much. I had to leave this for a bit and just revisited. I did as you suggested and placed .then( (resultURL) => { before the if statement and placed the enclosing brace at the end of the function. The error message disappeared but a new one appeared at the end of this enclosing bracket… Any ideas? Thank you for your assistance!

I’m also a little confused as to why I can’t just use this form without code. But two things happen when I remove the code. 1. The submit button only gives me the option to go to two dynamic pages, not the third dynamic page I set up as a confirmation page. 2. all the info inserts into the database, except the image again…

When I put this code back in, nothing happens. Submit button doesn’t work and no error message appears in preview.

import wixData from 'wix-data';
import wixWindow from 'wix-window';
import wixLocation from 'wix-location';

$w.onReady(function () {


export function SubmitStory_click(event, $w) {
    $w(" #uploadPicture").startUpload()
 .then( (uploadedFile) => {
 return uploadedFile.url;
.then( (resultUrl) => {
 if ($w('checkbox1').checked && $w('#checkbox2').checked) {
 let toInsert = {
 "title": $w('#inputName').value,
 "email": $w('#inputEmail').value,
 "city": $w('#inputCity').value,
 "country": $w('#inputCountry').value,
 "selfie": resultUrl,
 "when": $w('#textBox1').value,
 "describe": $w('#textBox2').value,
 "whatScaresYou": $w('#textBox3').value,
 "forWho": $w('#textBox4').value,
 "how": $w('#textBox5').value,
 "motto": $w('#textBox6').value,
 "admire": $w('#textBox7').value,
 "interview": true,
 "termsOfService": true
        wixData.insert("Stories", toInsert)

Hi Ashley.

Please pay attention that there is no closing parenthesis to the statement:

.then( (resultUrl) => {

before the end function closing curly brace.

So you need to add the following (in bold)

.then( (resultUrl) => { 


I got the same problem and wasn’t able to fix it with this helpsheet. Can anyone help?

import wixData from 'wix-data';
import wixLocation from 'wix-location';
$w.onReady(function () {})

export function SubmitStory_click(event, $w) {
    $w(" #uploadPicture").startUpload()
 .then( (uploadedFile) => {
 return uploadedFile.url;
.then( (resultUrl) => {
    $w("#button1").onClick(() => {
 let At = 
 let Rn =
 let Fr = 
 let Fs =
 let Gs = 
 let Ze =
 let GD = 
 let Zt =
 let Zü =
 let Pr = 
 let Ti =
 let Kb =
 let Lb = 

 let input = {
 "Art": [At],
 "Ringnummer": [Rn],
 "Farbreihe" : [Fr],
 "Farbschlag": [Fs],
 "Geschlecht": [Gs],
 "Zeichnung": [Ze],
 "Geburtsdatum": [GD],
 "Zutraulichkeit": [Zt],
 "Züchter": [Zü],
 "Preis": [Pr],
 "Titel": [Ti],
 "Kurzbeschreibung": [Kb],
 "Beschreibung": [Lb],
 "bilder": resultUrl,
 "art": [At],
 "ringnummer": Rn,
 "farbreihe" : Fr,
 "farbschlag": Fs,
 "geschlecht": Gs,
 "zeichnung": Ze,
 "zutraulichkeit": Zt,
 "züchter": Zü,
 "preis": Pr,
 "titel": Ti,
 "kurzbeschreibung": Kb,
 "beschreibung": Lb,
 "Id": $w("#input1").value

I didn’t find any other solution but to store all my data twice as a JS and as a “normal” file because I need to run a querry with user inputs and the querry always counts the user input as a JS file and can’t find any matches if I don’t use Js files. On the other hand I need to use normal files because of my dynamic page.
If someone is interested in fixing this problem:

import wixData from 'wix-data';
export function dropdown1_change(event) {

  .then( (res) => {   

I really hope you can help me with my first problem because I’ve been sitting on this for a long time now and I don’t want to start all over again.