Code works on Editor Preview but not on Published site

Has anyone encountered this issue? The code written is for the header. On editor preview, the functionality works. On the published site, it’s not working.

Editor, the code works:

Live, code doesn’t work:

Hey Mariedyth,

I suspect your issue might be related to this if it was working before:

If you’ve just added this code and are now testing it, it might be a different issue so please post your code.

Hi, I’m really an amateur, I’ve been learning to compose a website for 6 months, I’ve gone through a lot of snags. I’m currently solving a problem with a broken code on a published website. I’ve read something about it, but I still don’t know how to solve this problem. Is the code only working on the test site URL, or is it a free version? I’m sending the code, it’s a review on a product page created through wix stores.
Have any of you been able to resolve this, could I ask for advice? Thank you very much!

import wixData from ‘wix-data’ ;
import wixWindow from ‘wix-window’ ;
import wixLocation from ‘wix-location’ ;

let product ;

$w . onReady ( async function () {
product = await $w ( ‘#productPage1’ ). getProduct ();
initReviews ();

wixLocation . onChange ( async ( location ) => {
product = await $w ( ‘#productPage1’ ). getProduct ();
initReviews ();

async function initReviews () {
await $w ( ‘#Reviews’ ). setFilter ( wixData . filter (). eq ( ‘productId’ , product . _id ));
showReviews ();
loadStatistics ();

async function loadStatistics () {
const stats = await wixData . get ( ‘review-stats’ , product . _id );
if ( stats ) {
let avgRating = ( Math . round ( stats . rating * 10 / stats . count ) / 10 );
let percentRecommended = Math . round ( stats . recommended / stats . count * 100 );
let ratings = $w ( ‘#generalRatings’ );
ratings . rating = avgRating ;
ratings . numRatings = stats . count ;
$w ( ‘#recoPercent’ ). text = ${ percentRecommended } % Doporučuje tento produkt ;
$w ( ‘#generalRatings’ ). show ();
} else {
$w ( ‘#recoPercent’ ). text = ‘Zatím žádná ohodnocení, budete první?’ ;
$w ( ‘#generalRatings’ ). hide ();
$w ( ‘#recoPercent’ ). show ();

export function reviewsRepeater_itemReady ( $w , itemData , index ) {
if ( itemData . recommends ) {
$w ( ‘#recommendation’ ). text = “Doporučuje tento produkt.” ;
} else {
$w ( ‘#recommendation’ ). text = “Nedoporučuje tento produkt.” ;
$w ( ‘#oneRating’ ). rating = itemData . rating ;
let date = itemData . _createdDate ;
$w ( ‘#submissionTime’ ). text = date . toLocaleString ();

export function showReviews () {
if ( $w ( ‘#Reviews’ ). getTotalCount () > 0 ) {
$w ( ‘#reviewsStrip’ ). expand ();
} else {
$w ( ‘#reviewsStrip’ ). collapse ();

export async function addReview_click ( event , $w ) {
const dataForLightbox = {
productId : product . _id
let result = await wixWindow . openLightbox ( ‘Review Box’ , dataForLightbox );
$w ( ‘#Reviews’ ). refresh ();
loadStatistics ();
$w ( ‘#thankYouMessage’ ). show ();

export function resultsPages_click ( event , $w ) {
$w ( ‘#Reviews’ ). loadMore ();