I am trying to create a dynamic page linked to a database. This database has many boolean values that are linked to checkboxes on my page. I would like the checkboxes to collapse if their value is null. Is it possible to do by coding?
Yes it’s possible, only add the options that are true to the checkbox group items.
const item = {}; // And object retrieved from the dataset or database
const options = []; // The options we want to show
const reqOptions = ['opt1', 'opt2', 'opt3']; // The fields that you want to check
reqOptions.forEach(prop=> {
// Check if the field value it truthy
if (item[prop]) { options.push({ label: item[prop], value: item[prop] }) }
// Apply the options
$w('#checkboxGroup').options = options;
Apologies if I am being silly, that only applies to checkboxgroup, not for “solo” checkboxes, right?
I have them as solo checkboxes (as it was the easiest way I found to link them to booleans in my database). And the logic would be if its own value (now that the element received its value from the database) is null, collapse.
@ivana by looking at the checkboxes I assumed they’re checkboxgroup, because that’s the way it should be implemented, anyway …
You’ll need to store the IDs of the checkboxes and their databse values like so
const elements = [
id: checkbox1, // The ID of the element
field: 'isTrue' // The name of the field in the database
id: checkbox2,
field: 'isTrue'
Then, once the dataset is ready, check the fields and collapse the fields if the value is falsy.