Collapse/Expand Animations?

Is there any way to give the expand and collapse functionalities any animations so that when an expand occurs or a collapse happens, it can follow at least one of existing animations in Wix as intro or outro?


Tnx Omid. I am moving it to the Feature Requests category and we will look into it

Would really appreciate this feature too! Thanks in advance!

I would also love this and regarding all animations I want them to reverse animations on close not just popaway. Like the lightbox animation, they only support Animation IN not OUT.

So, now I know for sure that animations does not work with expand/collapse…
I think it is necessary :slight_smile:
Can we add manually values like speed or direction?
From the question above it seems we can’t.
That would be useful as well.

Actually, I think if you do a hide/show animation ALONG with expand/collapse for the same element, the animations seem to work. But you have to add separate lines of code for each from what I can tell.

I tried using a hide/show animation along with it, it didn’t work for me though… Really hope they add this soon!

I realized my website was broken recently because some update forced it to be broken. My expand commands were UNDER my show commands and I had to manually go and move each line above for things to start working correctly. The chronological order there is really serious biz.

+1 to this feature. I find that having a hide(animation)followed by a collapse() give a jerking result depending on the content that follows and animation effect chosen.

+1 Looking to add this feature. Would love to connect with another designer who has code for this.

I would also love this feature so there is a smooth transition between an element being collapesed and expanded. There should also be a animation duration controll. +1

March 2019. Just bumped into collapse/expand animation trouble.
This feature is still very anticipated. :slight_smile:

Still very much anticipating this feature! :slight_smile:

I wish to be able to make an “exit” animation to my lightbox to match the intro animation. I believe that this has been requested by multiple people. Any update?

it doesn’t in my case

var fadeOutOptions = {
 "duration": 1000,
 "delay": 0
 var fadeInOptions = {
 "duration": 300,
 "delay": 0
$w('#switch2').onClick((event) => {
 let Switch = $w('#switch2').checked;
 if (Switch === false) {

                $w('#repeater1').show('fade', fadeOutOptions);

            } else {


it appears without any animation, but hiding animation works just fine

any update on this? its been 3 years

Can one use the new animations API to make this happen, any ideas?

Still no update?

Hello, I’m sorry to disturb here and being a bit irrelevant but I’ve just recently started with My Wix site and I’m looking for a piece of advice.
I’d like to have a little animation in the header - specifically in the title “A Digital Activist, Writer and Consultant” (example from the theme). I’d like the third word to be changing with and animation from Consultant to Strategist, Marketeer, etc.

I’m not very familiar with coding, so I’m using the Wix editor. The best I got so far is that I have two text boxes right next to one another, one for “A Digital Activist, Writer” and the other one for “Consultant” which should be changing.
Based on this video , I managed to have a word “Consultant” appear with an animation but I don’t know how to change it for anything else.

Any advice please? Or can someone point me to a forum where I can pose such a question?

Thanks a lot!

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