Collapse/expand elements example not working on my site

Hi there,

I’m wondering if someone can help me. Wix support directed me here and were unable to point me in any direction at all.

I am trying to recreate this on my site. However It doesn’t seem to be working. I have copied the code across and recreated the elements with the exact same tags and it isn’t working - nothing is expanding even for me to collapse.

Any help would be greatly appreciated on this as I feel like I’m about to go insane!

Kind regards,


You probably did something wrong but it’s hard to tell, without seeing your code and your element property names.

+check if the export functions are marked on your property panel.

Hi, I have an issue with the expand/collapse code too. When I add the copied code there are obviously errors as the text is red, but I have no idea how to make it right, any help appreciated.

You don’t have buttons and MultiStateBox with these property IDs.
Also you’re missing }) in the end of the code.

Thanks for the responses, I still can’t get this to work so have decided to give up, Corvid is just not for me!