Collapse got a nice animation in Editor/Preview only

When in Preview, once an element is collapsed, it flies out very nicely without me having assigned any sort of movement. It seems this is a new addition by devs.

Apparently, this effect does not show up in Live. How could I do that?


I just tested this and collapse works exactly the same on preview mode and live site for me, but there’s no animation at all.



Can you send a screencast of what you’re seeing? And a snippet of your code too.

Hi, please press the left big boxed element in this page:

Two elements will expand below. They expand with animation, although I thought that effects don’t apply to expand/collapse behaviors. And in any case I never hard-coded any short of animation. Here’s the code:

$w.onReady(function() {

$w("#box2, #box35, #text350, #text341").onClick(event => {
					$w("#box105, #box110").expand();

In this same page, when in Preview, if I click the (x) button to close the top element, it collapses with some sort of fly-out effect towards the top-left of the screen, like here:

Thanks for your support.