Collect user info, date and button label/video title on click from dynamic pages

Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me with a coding problem. I work for a non-profit that helps families by providing guidance, advocacy, and training. They are often funded by grants that require reports showing how many families (people) have been helped. I am trying to set up a way to record users info when they play videos, or down load info. I have set up 2 databases, one includes a training video and additional documents to download that correspond with the training. So the fields of the database include a video, 2 document fields, 2 url fields along with label fields for all 4 download/link fields. Dynamic pages have been designed for this database. I am trying to figure out how I can send the user info with the clicked label/ or played video to the second database along with the date. The dynamic pages are set up to sign in to view.

I figured out how to do this with the following code:

import wixUsers from 'wix-users';
import wixData from 'wix-data';

export function videoPlayer1_play(event) {
    {videoPlay: $w('#dataset1').getCurrentItem()._id,})

export function button9_click(event) {
    {powerPoint: $w('#dataset1').getCurrentItem()._id,})

export function button10_click(event) {
    {doc2: $w('#dataset1').getCurrentItem()._id,}) 

export function button11_click(event) {
    {link1: $w('#dataset1').getCurrentItem()._id,})

export function button12_click(event) {
    {link2: $w('#dataset1').getCurrentItem()._id,}) 

Can anyone tell me if you can make the owner field in the database a reference field so you can see their name and email?