I am creating a page on my site in which there will be a input box (#input1) and one search button (#button1) and one table (#table1) and one text box (#text173) and i have a database (STUDENT_NAMES). Database “STUDENT_NAMES” has two fields (Rollnumber , Name) .
Now what i want to do is that when someone come on my search page to find name of a student and input rollnumber in the #input1 and then press search button. then my javascript should first search for Rollnumber in the “STUDENT_NAMES” database and after finding Rollnumber it should store the value of the “Name” field of the column2 ( which is next to the found Rollnumber row) in a variable .
and after storing “Name” in a variable the name should display in the text box " #text173" .
please note : #table1 i used to first display the both fields Rollnumber and name after search but i am not able to store the value “name” in a variable after searching Rollnumber.
please help.
You are searching for COLUMN-1-DATA, but you want to store COLUMN-2-DATA, found on COLUMN-1 ???
This for you can use the wix-data-api.
Something like this…
import wixData from 'wix-data';
//-------- USER-INTERFACE -------------------------
//---[ DB-INPUT-Field-Settings]--------------
DBFIELDS[0] = "rollnumber"; //<--- DEFINE-INPUT-FIELD-here
//---[ DB-OUTPUT-Field-Settings]--------------
//-------- USER-INTERFACE -------------------------
.then((res) => {
let items = res.items
console.log("ITEMS: ", items);
let output = items.map(item=>item[OUTPUT_FIELDS[0]])
You will have to modify this code for your own needs, expanding its function !!!
yes i just want to find rollnumber but i want to store name of that student in a variable and display on a textbox. in simple words Find roll number but display and store name propotional to that rollnumber.
You have already an example-code, try to get it to work for your needs and take a look onto the CONSOLE .