Connect wix store collection to repeaters?

I have a page where i need to costumize the “product catgory” more so i want to use repeaters…

I have 3 collections in my wix store and want to filter my repeaters by theese collections.

I found a way, but it’s not ideal…
I could make it work by change the naming on my products to be
“[collection 1] [Product 1 name]”
“[collection 1] [Product 2 name]”

“[collection 1] - [Product 10 name]”
and then filter by “[collection 1]”

But if there is another way, that would be more ideal

No one, who can help with this?

I am also trying to connect a Wix store collection to a repeater (preferably in dynamic pages) in order to be able to customize the gallery view the way that I need it. Could anybody let us know how this can be accomplished?

I have the same issue. We can only filter the dataset connected to the repeater by name, sku, price, type and slug, that does not help at all. Apparently the collections have no function out of the wix stores app, is that right?

Didn’t the make the wix store codable recently??? If not, can you just make your own store using repeaters?

Hi John,
I know that you can connect to wix store using repeaters, if it has become fully codable, that i don’t know :slight_smile:

Tho i am already using repeaters now, and connected it to my wix store data collection, but my problem is that i have nothing in the wix store collection to sort the data set by, if you get what i mean?

  • it shows all my products in the collection unless i call all my products in one group the same name, and sort the data set by that name…

You can check out the Add to Cart example to see how to connect the Products collection to a repeater using code. There are multiple stores examples which I recommend to check to create stunning things using the new stores API :slight_smile:

Good luck!