Connecting dynamic pages to members area

Hi everyone! I am setting up my own web-store and got confused about the dynamic pages and members area by wix. There are tutorials about dynamic pages and setting up members area, but how can I display dataset content according to the login-members?

I found this tutorial earlier on wix, but I can only add filters from the “text” and not “owner”:

What I need is when a login-member submit a customized form I make, the displaying page will only show the content they submit. How do I do this? Thank you so much in advance!!

Hello Judy,

i would say, you have to get the USER-ID first, and then work with it.

import wixUsers from 'wix-users';

let user = wixUsers.currentUser;

let userId =;           

You can see how it works here in this example.

This little example-tool, will show you if you are LoggedIn and also will show you your USER-ID and even the users e-mail (can just be seen by the current logged-in user).

You will find in your database User-ID and Owner-ID, too.

Thank you so much! I read your codes, spent 2 days and finally figured it out.

Would you be able to check the following codes?

I have an order date in the collection, created an expiration date using hooks, and was able to display them on the repeater.

However, the expiration date on all the repeaters only display the date based on the latest date I submitted. I guess the hook is alright but there must be something wrong with the code on the page.

The hook I use:

The page code:

On the repeater:

The expiration date is wrong in the second repeater, which should be April/1/2022 instead. What should I do?

i am glad if i could help you.
Please open a new post for this issue, because it has a new problem with a new topic.
And also use “Code-Tags” and not pictures to show your code.

....Here your code in this CODE-AREA....

No problem. XD