Hello everyone,
I don’t even know if i can explain my thoughts. And sorry for my english, it’s not my native language.
I’ve build a site of a Fitness Gym. (important premise: all the payment is done offline at the segretary)
I would like to create a Members Page for each member of the Gym. In this page I’d like to show all the personal data (with a table) that need an upgrade or integration:
for example
- wich pass was choosen (all day / night / lunch)
- the data of the payment of that pass
- how many € was payed
- the expiry of the sport medical certificate (that is mandatory for doing fitness activities)
In my thoughs I would like to create a Database in which every line is for each member.
Of course, containing personal information (GPDR is coming), every Member has to see only the line that contains his data.
I hope I’m making myself clear, thanks for all your answer