Good day!
I have the need to connect or display information on a completely seperate Wix Website from a different Wix Website.
(In other words, there’s a Wix Site that has a database collection with information, and I need to display the information from that collection in a different Wix Site.=
How could I go about doing that? Thank you very much in advance!
Hello Jason!
This can be done by exposing your sites API’s using the https-functionality of Wix. Here is a detailed tutorial guiding you on how to do that. Here is the official documentation for it.
Basically, you run a GET request to your site, that site sees that GET request, processes it accordingly, and sends back data (JSON).
Thank you very much! I don’t know code but I have been trying this out for over an hour and experimenting to try to get this to work, but I haven’t had any luck. So I’ve got a few questions so I try to get this to work.
- From the documentation, which set of code do I have to initially use on the website that I want to send out data.
- Do I use the get(), post(), or put() on the receiver website?
- I know I need to insert the link in one or both of the code blocks and I have the link format based on the instructions but I’m not quite sure where exactly I have to input it in the block of code.
- When I use the http function and it gets the data, will it put the data in a collection or otherwise?
- Last question, is the other website (reciever) of the data also allowed to edit the data of the sender website?
Apologies for the large amount of questions, but I really want to work to get this going. I appreciate any help!
Best regards,
Jason L.
See the example MyApi and MyApiClient to expose and access external APIs. It’s pretty much what you want.