I’ve created a form using a slideshow and have all the elements connected to the right database, however the data is being entered on new lines for each slide. I’ve found a workaround that involves adding backend code to “merge” the two lines into one. It doesn’t seem like a practical solution…
I was wondering if I should use the session API to create a session token? Or is there an easier way to keep the users information together?
This is an example of a slide’s code:
export function nextSlide2_click(event) {
let slide2data = {
“busDesc” : $w( ‘#busDesc’ ).value,
“fullTime” : $w( ‘#fullTime’ ).value,
“partTime” : $w( ‘#partTime’ ).value,
“yearsOperating” : $w( ‘#yearsInBusiness’ ).value,
“businessCategory” : $w( ‘#businessCatagory’ ).value,
“keywords” : $w( ‘#keywords’ ).value
wixData.insert( ‘MemberRegistration’ , slide2data)
.then((results) => {
let item = results;
. catch ((err) => {
let errorMsg = err;
$w( ‘#slideshow1’ ).changeSlide( 2 )