Cookie for Light/Dark Mode not working

I’m trying to add light/dark toggle for my site dashboard in wix studio.
But there is something not working while I’m trying to save UserPreferences after page reload.

// Importing the local module from the 'wix-storage-frontend' package
import { local } from 'wix-storage-frontend';

// Event handler that runs when the page is ready
$w.onReady(function () {
    // Call the function to initialize the site theme

// Function to initialize the site theme based on user preferences
function initSiteTheme() {
    // Retrieve the user's theme preference from local storage
    const siteTheme = getUserPreferences();
    // Get a reference to the theme switch element on the page
    const themeSwitch = $w('#darkModeSwitch');

    // Check if the user's theme preference is 'Dark Mode' and update the switch accordingly
    if (siteTheme === 'Dark Mode') {
        themeSwitch.checked = true;

    // Event handler for the change event of the theme switch
    themeSwitch.onChange(() => {
        // Check if the switch is turned on
        if (themeSwitch.checked) {
            // Set the site theme to 'Dark Mode' and save user preferences
            setSiteTheme('Dark Mode');
            saveUserThemePreferences('Dark Mode');
        } else {
            // Set the site theme to 'Light Mode' and save user preferences
            setSiteTheme('Light Mode');

// Function to set the site theme for specified elements
function setSiteTheme(siteTheme) {
    // Array of elements affected by dark mode
    const effectedDarkModeElements = [

    // Loop through each element and apply or remove dark mode effects
    effectedDarkModeElements.forEach(element => {
        if (siteTheme === 'Dark Mode') {
            // Apply dark mode effects based on element type
            if (element.type === '$w.VectorImage') {
            } else {
                element.effects.applyEffects(['Dark Mode']);
        } else {
            // Remove dark mode effects based on element type
            if (element.type === '$w.VectorImage') {
            } else {
                element.effects.removeEffects(['Dark Mode']);

// Function to save the user's theme preferences to local storage
function saveUserThemePreferences(themeMode) {
    if (themeMode) {
        // Save the theme mode to local storage
        local.setItem("theme", themeMode);
    } else {
        // Remove the theme mode from local storage

// Function to retrieve the user's theme preferences from local storage
function getUserPreferences() {
    // Get the theme mode from local storage
    const siteTheme = local.getItem("theme");

    // If the theme mode is 'Dark Mode', apply dark mode effects
    if (siteTheme === 'Dark Mode') {

    // Return the theme mode
    return siteTheme;

toggle is working to switch light/dark mode but it’s not keeping UserPreferences after site reload.

There’s currently no way to assign classes to elements in Velo so this wouldn’t work. There may be other issues with the code as well.

that’s work when we store the onclick animation named “Dark Mode” in interaction panel. The issue is that it’s not saving that dark mode after reloading the page.