I’m trying to add light/dark toggle for my site dashboard in wix studio.
But there is something not working while I’m trying to save UserPreferences after page reload.
// Importing the local module from the 'wix-storage-frontend' package
import { local } from 'wix-storage-frontend';
// Event handler that runs when the page is ready
$w.onReady(function () {
// Call the function to initialize the site theme
// Function to initialize the site theme based on user preferences
function initSiteTheme() {
// Retrieve the user's theme preference from local storage
const siteTheme = getUserPreferences();
// Get a reference to the theme switch element on the page
const themeSwitch = $w('#darkModeSwitch');
// Check if the user's theme preference is 'Dark Mode' and update the switch accordingly
if (siteTheme === 'Dark Mode') {
themeSwitch.checked = true;
// Event handler for the change event of the theme switch
themeSwitch.onChange(() => {
// Check if the switch is turned on
if (themeSwitch.checked) {
// Set the site theme to 'Dark Mode' and save user preferences
setSiteTheme('Dark Mode');
saveUserThemePreferences('Dark Mode');
} else {
// Set the site theme to 'Light Mode' and save user preferences
setSiteTheme('Light Mode');
// Function to set the site theme for specified elements
function setSiteTheme(siteTheme) {
// Array of elements affected by dark mode
const effectedDarkModeElements = [
// Loop through each element and apply or remove dark mode effects
effectedDarkModeElements.forEach(element => {
if (siteTheme === 'Dark Mode') {
// Apply dark mode effects based on element type
if (element.type === '$w.VectorImage') {
} else {
element.effects.applyEffects(['Dark Mode']);
} else {
// Remove dark mode effects based on element type
if (element.type === '$w.VectorImage') {
} else {
element.effects.removeEffects(['Dark Mode']);
// Function to save the user's theme preferences to local storage
function saveUserThemePreferences(themeMode) {
if (themeMode) {
// Save the theme mode to local storage
local.setItem("theme", themeMode);
} else {
// Remove the theme mode from local storage
// Function to retrieve the user's theme preferences from local storage
function getUserPreferences() {
// Get the theme mode from local storage
const siteTheme = local.getItem("theme");
// If the theme mode is 'Dark Mode', apply dark mode effects
if (siteTheme === 'Dark Mode') {
// Return the theme mode
return siteTheme;
toggle is working to switch light/dark mode but it’s not keeping UserPreferences after site reload.