Copy date into new collection field - Format issue

I have code that is moving date from a form into a new collection. All my lines work correctly except 1.

This line: “athlete1Birthdate”: new Date($w(“#dob1”).value),
is pasting this: “2015-05-30T04:00:00.000Z”
Instead of 05/30/2015

When I go into the collection it allows me to click on the field and convert it so I know I’m close.
I have also tried this:
“athlete1Birthdate”: $w(“#dob1”).value,
and get the same result.

The collection field is set to Date type

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

There are libraries to handle date formatting. For example: date-fns - modern JavaScript date utility library and you can install it with Wix’s NPM package installer: Working with npm Packages

If $w('#dob1') is a calendar element then you should also be able to just store the date directly: “athlete1Birthdate”: $w(“#dob1”)

Kind of odd that the string “2015-05-30T04:00:00.000Z” isn’t storing correctly since that should also be a valid ISO 8601 string.

This code crashes the let input. It needs the value added.
“athlete1Birthdate”: $w(“#dob1”)

Adding the .value does not work.
I have ended up converting the date to a text and copying it into a text field.

I would assume copying a date value would be able to be pasted into a date column/field, but it doesn’t work.