Correlation between container and text placement

Dear Community - i guess this is a really stupid question, therefor i didnt find a siminlar in the forum. But i hope someone could enlighten me anyway. i work with the studio editor, and watched the tutorials for containers and stacking. but i can not figure out, why when i place a box and insert the text, the outline of the box is showen somewhere else than the text actually appears. is this question somehow clear? i tried to make a screenshot of what i mean. does this have to do with the different breakpoints? but then there would have to be a breakpoint where the container and the text matches, doesnt it? sorry for this beginner kind of question but i really try to clarify this for a better understanding…

Wix Studio Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
I try to understand how the placement of the containers and the text work

What have you already tried:
wix academy tutorials and searched the forum, but i guess this is such a simple beginner question, therefor i couldnt find a similar topic that solved my lacking understanding

thanks so much for helping a bloodi beginner…